151 Grange Road, Hugglescote, Leicestershire, LE67 2BS
Telephone: 01530 832109
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Hugglescote Surgery is required by the government to allocate all patients a named accountable GP (identified as your usual GP on your medical records) who is responsible for overseeing your care.
The Named Accountable GP’s at the Practice are Dr T. Gauhar, Dr D. Greenyer and Dr H. Noble.
Whilst we encourage all of our patients to see their own GP to support continuity in the care being provided, patients are entitled to choose to see any GP or nurse in the Practice.
Due to operational reasons you may not see your own GP when requesting an appointment, however, we will always endeavour to give you an appointment with your own GP where appropriate and availability allows.
If you are not sure who your named GP is please contact Reception who will be happy to help.