151 Grange Road, Hugglescote, Leicestershire, LE67 2BS
Telephone: 01530 832109
Sorry, we're currently closed. For urgent advice, please call NHS 111
Ante natal clinics are held on Thursday mornings by a member of the midwifery team. They can be contacted by telephone on 0116 258 4834. As well as ante-natal clinics, midwives undertake regular visits to expectant mothers, and new mothers and their babies.
Initial ‘new booking’ appointments are held on Tuesday afternoons. You will need to collect a Pregnancy Pack from Reception and return the required form before making your first appointment. We advise to book when you are between 8-10 weeks.
Child Health Surveillance is the concept that children should have scheduled and regular paediatrician visits to screen and assess them for any underlying health condition from infancy through adolescence.
The Child Health Surveillance programme includes the following:
These appointments are undertaken by a GP.
Childhood immunisations and vaccination clinics are held on alternate Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Appointments for these are sent from Bridge Park Plaza. It is important that you bring your child for vaccinations on the specified date as they need to be given at set times in your child’s development (8, 12, and 16 weeks).
If you are unable to attend the appointment you are allocated, please contact the surgery to let us know and make a further appointment if necessary.
The following leaflet is a handy guide for parents and carers of children aged birth – 5 years.
The following leaflet provides some useful information regarding common medical issues your child may face. This leaflet helps you take initial steps at home to remedy the problem, and signposts where to go should your child not improve.