151 Grange Road, Hugglescote, Leicestershire, LE67 2BS
Telephone: 01530 832109
Sorry, we're currently closed. For urgent advice, please call NHS 111
Hugglescote Surgery has the ability to record telephone calls to protect patients and staff and other health workers. Patients are protected by the practice having a record of our conversations with you, staff and other health workers are protected from potential abuse.
We also occasionally use recordings for staff training and quality control. When you register with us, we will make this clear to you and we will also make this clear to you each time you contact us and via our web site and other sources of information. Call recordings are retained for a period of 12 months and are then routinely deleted. Any exception to the 12-month period would be agreed by all parties prior to storing.
Calls, or transcripts of calls, audio or audio-visual recordings or elements of the discussion you have with the clinicians that contain clinical information may be added to your medical records, but this will be clarified with you at the time. The recordings are stored on the practice telephone system.